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Registration Period: Applications will be accepted during the first 10 days of every December, February, June. Admission examinations and interviews will be arranged two weeks after the application.
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- 申請人可於本校網頁(www.ccckeiwan.edu.hk)下載「插班生學位申請表」
Applicants can visit the school website (www.ccckeiwan.edu.hk) and download the ‘Transfer Student Admission Application Form’.
- 申請人可於每月首十天填妥「插班生申請表」,並連同以下資料透過Google Form(https://forms.gle/oQLiqWyKpgrsgjW36)上載:
During the first 10 days of each month, applicants can complete the ’Transfer Student Application Form’ and upload the following documents using Google Form (https://forms.gle/oQLiqWyKpgrsgjW36):
- 學生的出生證明書影印本 (外地出生者需另交「獲准在香港居留之有效證明文件」)
Copy of the student’s birth certificate (Students born outside of Hong Kong must submit ‘Proof of Residency in Hong Kong’).
- 學生最近成績表影印本 Copy of the student’s most recent report card.
- 學生其他資歷證明文件如獎狀、證書、推薦信、課外活動資料等。
Other documents of the student’s achievements such as medals, certificates, recommendation letters, or records of extra-curricular activities.
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上載文件格式要求Requirements for document upload:
資料檔案格式:PDF、JPG、PNG (c項只接受PDF)
檔案大小:a,b 項每項不大於10MB,c項不大於100MB
上載方法:家長需把所有c項中的資歷證明文件如獎狀、證書、推薦信、課外活動資料等合併成一PDF檔案上載,a,b項則可分別以獨立檔案按Google Form指示上載
Format of the documents: PDF, JPG, PNG (Only PDF files are accepted for item ‘c’)
Size of the documents: For item ‘a’ and ‘b’, each file size should not exceed 10MB. For item ‘c’, the file size should not exceed 100MB.
How to upload documents: For item (c), parent(s) of the applicant should combine all the sports and art activities participation certificate(s) or award certificate(s) into one PDF file and upload it via the Google Form. Item ‘a’ and ‘b’ can be uploaded separately according to the instructions on the Google Form.
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Requirements for enrollment: attained grade B or above in conduct, and achieved good academic results in Chinese, English and Mathematics.
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Date of the Admission Examination: The examination and interview will be arranged two weeks after receiving the application form and the related documents.
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Date of the release of the results: One week after the examination and interview.
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If the application is not successful, applicants are welcome to apply again at least six months later.