Message from the Production Manager

We had to cancel the live performance in a theatre due to COVID-19, but we had to film it. It was a big challenge for us all, the students, the teachers, the director, the designers and backstage. It was my honor to participate in this special production. The high participation of the school teachers made me feel there was a lot of involvement as a team. They shared so many interesting things with me, such as the students’ daily life.

I felt closer to the students, or even recognized them before we met. All of the students had to learn a different way to perform as the filming schedule was not following the storyline. They were fast learners with patience and everything went smoothly. This should be a good experience for them as part of their school life.

On one of the filming days, a small number of parents were invited to watch one of the songs in their performance. Even after a few minutes, the students had felt the difference between filming and live performance. After that, they suddenly realize that the filming is almost done, and they were reluctant for it to end. Same here.

I am thankful for their enjoyment during the whole period. I hope that there will be an opportunity to do a live performance with them. In the theatre with an audience in the auditorium, we will enjoy it.

                                                                     Miss Zeta Chan

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